Bus Seat Rotation

Israel 2018 – Bus Seat Rotation

In every church I have had the privilege of serving, there is one thing (okay, maybe more than one) that can be found in every church. People tend to sit in the same seat week after week. This results in them speaking with the same people (those seated around them), and seeing things from a single perspective. An interesting thing happens when people are urged, prodded, or asked to change seats. They become emotional, and that emotional response is rarely joyful.

On this trip, we will be changing seats. Every day. Go ahead and get your emotional response out of the way.

We do this because for several reasons:

  • This allows us to see things from different perspectives. Sometimes the left side of the bus provides slightly better views, while at other times the view from the right side is a little better. We rotate so everyone is able to spend time on each side of the bus.
  • Changing seats also means the people sitting across the aisle from you will be different each day. You will get to know new people every day. Some of those you meet on this trip may be come friends for the rest of your lifestyle. I know I still connect with some friends I met in Israel the first time I went.

The way we will change seats is like this. As you look down on the seats of the bus from above, we rotate clockwise 2 seats every day. This means if you were sitting in the further row on the right side yesterday, you would sit in the sixth seat on the right side today. Or if you were sitting in the eighth seat on the left side yesterday, you would sit in the sixth seat on the left today. Of course every rule has its exceptions.

  • The Driver – Take comfort, none of us will be rotating into the driver’s seat. 😁
  • Motion Sickness – If you have motion sickness and need to sit near the front, we can make accommodation for this need.
  • The Guide – Our guide will be staying at the front of the bus in order to point out things of interest.
  • The Bus Captain – This is one of my roles, and I will be sitting close to the front so I can converse with our guide.

We will cover all of this again when we first board the bus in Israel. We will also mention it each day.

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